
I. Introduction

A.Introduce topic of Project; explain convergence of print media to multimedia, struggles print media faces today

B. Comment on relevancy, angle, context stated in bib. Explain intent to inform the effects of visual literacy and graphic design through use of logo, advertising, web pages, layouts, and print


II. Design

A.Good qualities of graphic design, three building blocks

B. 7 Elements of design, 7 principles of design

C.Web Page design, choice of paper, color, visual appeal, gestalt theory

D.Signal newspaper individual design and layout (example visuals; includes spacing, typography, patterns, coloration specific to paper), Signal Web Page design

E. Interview Anna (production designer) on effective design strategies, preferences

F. Interview Candra (photo editor) on photographic strategy and incorporation in design


III. Visual Rhetoric and Framing Strategies

A. Explain visual rhetoric, visual literacy, and visual grammar

B. Framing strategies in relation to Signal ads/marketing

C. Ad usage in forming brand and outreach

D. Visual examples of Signal house ad.


IV. Media Convergence

A. Cite chapter on Convergence previously assigned as class reading

B. Signal site, Twitter handle, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook used as examples

C. Interview Chris (EIC) about how convergence affects prevalence of visual media in paper in terms of stories, layouts, advertising, and marketing for interest.

D. Interview Bryce (Advisor) about need for stronger visual components and changes in journalism as a culture because of media advances. [ possible video clip of a weekly teardown for ethos]


V. Brand Logos

A. Explain positive effects of brand logos

B. Mechanisms through which logos strengthen customer commitment and performance

C. Role of logo in offering benefits to customers

D. Aesthetic appeal + product placement

E. Explain Signal logo and how it establishes common ground, brand, and credibility

F. Interview student on their opinion of logo, what they think of Signal as brand when they see logo/paper


VI. Web Interface

A. Different emotional responses elicited by particular web-page design from experiments

B. Effective web page designs for maximum emotional response

C. Signal website – which stories get most views in relation to design? When does page get most hits? How does our site look and what feelings does it evoke?

D. Interview student for opinion on website design


VII. Conclusion

A. What does all of this mean in relation to convergence of media and the Signal’s visual strategies?

B. How does visual literacy and graphic design work for the Signal?